Tablets vs. textbooks for K-12 schools

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If you've been following all the changes in the U.S. education system, you might already know that your kindergartner could soon become more tech-savvy than you. OK, that might be a slight exaggeration, but according to a recent article from, rising textbook costs, the increasing affordability of digital tablets and the high proportion of American classrooms with internet access could all contribute to the rise of tablets in classrooms.

However, this is a controversial issue. Those in favor of tablets replacing textbooks in classrooms argue that tablets are lighter than print textbooks, have been shown to improve test scores, and since they can hold hundreds of digital textbooks, they are cheaper than traditional textbooks and contribute to a greener environment by reducing printing.

Those who oppose the use of tablets in the classroom argue that they are too expensive, can more easily distract students and bring up technological issues that don't exist with print texts. One of opponents' main arguments is that tablets are far easier to break, which can lead to additional costs and time spent on repairs.

With iResQ's iPad repair services for schools with 1:1 iPad programs, these concerns might be eliminated. Recognizing that students are key users who can really benefit from Apple products, iResQ offers bulk repairs for schools participating in these programs.

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