More reasons to love your iPhone

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As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air. Many often develop affection for people or even things that make their lives better, the iPhone included. There are many reasons to fall in love with your iPhone, but one of the most cited reasons is to take advantage of the ways that the smartphone is able to integrate parts of your life that might have previously felt separate.

In a recent Forbes article, contributor Brian Havig outlined a few new reasons to fall in love with the iPhone.

“The season of love is upon us, and as my iPhone reminds me to buy flowers for my significant other, I’m also reminded that, as a tech geek, my true love is actually my iPhone,” Havig wrote. “Smartphones do so many incredible things and have changed the way we do, well, everything. But what’s more exciting is that we haven’t even begun to scratch the [surface] of smartphone capability.”

Havig named numerous innovative options for using the iPhone to make life easier, including the iSmartAlarm, Amiigo Fitness Bracelet and iLumi Smart Bulbs.

The iSmartAlarm is a device that turns an iPhone into a full security and monitoring system. The device works by syncing in with a smartphone app that alerts the user every time a person enters or exits the home. It takes five quick pictures of the entryway and sends them to the user so that they can verify who is entering or leaving their home and what he or she is doing. If there is suspicious activity, the app automatically sends a text alert to all family members to call the police.

Amiigo fitness bracelet
The Amiigo Fitness Bracelet syncs with your iPhone to monitor regular exercise, providing details on factors like reps, sets, speed and intensity.

“It’s smart, so it’s designed to learn about the user as it goes along, understanding needs and recommending exercises to help the user reach his or her goals,” Havig wrote. “Plus, it’s social. You can set goals and monitor your progress, share results, create competitions with friends and earn points that you can redeem for other actual health-related add-ons.”

iLumi smart bulb
The iLumi smart bulb is a multicolored LED bulb that the user can control with his or her iPhone. This means that everything from a single bulb to all the lighting in the user’s home can be handled from the iPhone. Havig shared his favorite part about this device: the ability to sync lighting with other phone functions like the alarm clock app.

While these are certainly reasons to love your iPhone even more, it is possible to love something a little bit too much. If you show your device some hard love and it gets damaged in the process, iResQ’s iPhone repair services can help you refortify your bond.

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