Latent cracks, tea time, and other repair stories

General Knowledge

Signs of damage starting to creep up

  • The situation: A Texas man reached out to us because his device was in need of a screen replacement due to some cracking.
  • What caused it: The interesting detail here is that the event precipitating the damage had happened a year before when the device was dropped. After one year of unaffected functionality, cracks started chipping off the device's screen. What this shows is that computing products can sometimes deal with injuries in the same way humans do. Just as a muscle strain can go unnoticed for long periods of time before a scar appears, so too can screen damage exist without appearing to the naked eye. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like damage may have been done, don't assume that just because the device appears OK doesn't mean everything is swell.
  • The solution: We will carry out a screen replacement.

Perhaps tea time should not be computer time as well

  • The situation: A Massachusetts man sent his computer in for a repair because the device would immediately power off after having been turned on.
  • What caused it: Consider this a case of a tea party to which the computer shouldn't have been invited. Unfortunately, the computer's keyboard came in contact with some freshly brewed tea, and while the beverage may serve to calm us, it caused quite a disruption to the keyboard's functionality. Like the previous situation, though, the computer petered on for a while after the incident occurred – in this case, a week.
  • The solution: The nature of the problem suggests that the liquid damage caused a problem with the device's logic board, which means this repair may be a little more labor-intensive. Fortunately, we have the tools and skill to carry it out no problem.

Boxer dog chooses iPad as punching bag

  • The situation: A New York woman got in touch with us for an iPad screen replacement after the device was dropped.
  • What caused it: Ah, the Boxer. Such a strong dog, and such a good companion. But in this woman's case, her Boxer is one of those hyperactive ones that also has separation anxiety. This proved a bad combination for the woman's iPad when, after some time away from home, the woman came through the door holding her iPad. The Boxer, of course, was gripped with angst and needed to express that, so naturally the dog went on a (presumably loving) attack. This ended with the iPad on the floor.
  • The solution: We'll carry out an iPad repair and return the item to the woman quickly. In the meantime, at least she has something else that can serve as a distraction!

Not the best Christmas present

  • The situation: A Maryland woman sent her grandson's device in to us for an iPod repair after the screen shattered.
  • What caused it: Picture this: You're a little kid sifting under the Christmas tree until you see it, that beautiful present. Is it – no it couldn't be – an iPod! But what started out as an idyllic Christmas morning for the woman's youngest grandson turned decidedly unhappy the next day, when the poor kid dropped his device. 
  • The solution: We will do a screen replacement and get the device back to the kid as soon as possible, since we know how it feels to be without your favorite tunes in your ears for even a few days.

As these summer months descend on us, it's important to point out that extra safety precautions need to be taken with your devices, particularly if you decide to take them to the beach. Nothing can more easily ruin a perfectly good afternoon hitting the waves than an iPod in the water, so practice good device care.

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