iBreak Stories: Writer’s block

General Knowledge

Chances are you’ve sat down at your computer at some point to try to work on something only to feel stumped – a classic case of writer’s block. In the case of a customer who recently sent us this broken MacBook Pro, the block was more literal.

This Minneapolis MacBook owner’s four-year-old child accidentally threw a heavy wooden block (i.e. the alphabet kind) at the LCD screen, completely busting it with a direct hit. While there’s no telling what the child was trying to spell with the blocks, this particular instance appeared to spell doom for the computer.

Fortunately, here at iResQ, we’ve encountered just about every kind of MacBook disaster, and we’re experts at handling broken screens. The LCD screen and the glass that covers it on a MacBook Pro are highly susceptible to breaking, and these are the most common reasons people require a MacBook repair. In this case, simply replacing the screen was all the computer needed. The display casing and bezel were fine, and the machine had no other problems.

We’re happy to replace cracked glass and broken screens to help you get back to work on your computer, no matter how the problems arise. No guarantees on fixing the regular writer’s block holding up your novel, though.

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