Businesses use iPad as payment system

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With so many companies using Apple's iPad for point-of-sale services, a broken or cracked screen could put a halt to their operations. But that doesn't have to be the case. Companies or business people that use the tablet for this reason should look to iPad repair as soon as possible in an effort to not interrupt business. One new app, Paymode-X, allows companies to take quick action and make good decisions when dealing with customers in a transaction.

“It's an incredibly powerful tool, allowing businesses to remotely connect to their payments and invoicing system, and as a result, have better control, efficiency and predictability of their cash flow,” said Kevin Phalen, head of Card and Comprehensive Payables at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, who introduced the tool.

New Orleans City Business said app makers and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the spread of iPad as a POS system to offer better accessories that can be used on the go. Companies can now easily use the iPad to make sales quickly and efficiently.

Business owners shouldn't let an iPad repair need stop them from making money. That tablet can be easily fixed and received back by the user within days.

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